spring sewing February 17, 2009

I’m getting super excited about some new sewing projects, just in time for some really lovely craft books coming out… so I wanted to give a heads up that I’ll be doing a little review and giveaway at CraftStylish next month for two of my brand-new favorites, Jenny Ryan’s Sew Darn Cute


and Kathy Cano-Murillo’s Crafty Chica’s Guide to Artful Sewing!


They are both fantastic collections — super-inspiring and filled with handy tips and extras along with the very cool projects. I’m looking forward to the interviews!

Speaking of sewing, I’m in the middle of making something for myself to wear (for the first time since before I was pregnant, I think, so that’s 18 months at least… wow). Here’s a sneak peek — I’m hoping to be done and wearing it out and about in the next few days.

my new sewing project

I edged it with folded twill tape, and it gave me an idea for some sewing-room organizing. Until this morning, I kept all my bias tape in a huge jar, jammed in there so that I couldn’t really see what I had unless I dragged it all out. I recently did a little upcycling project to convert a plain can to a beaded scissors-holder, so I thought I’d do something similar with my bias tape menagerie…

bias tape cans

I divided it into two groups: workhorse (plain/solid colors) and fun (patterns, lacy edges, tiny baby-width for cute projects) and put each set in an industrial-sized tin can like the one I used for the scissors.

bias tape cans

Then I cut two lengths of bias tape in colors I had a bunch of and hot-glued it on in horizontal stripes. The whole project took about five minutes, counting the hot glue gun heating up, and now the cans are hanging out with my jars of ribbon and cup of sewing tools, ready to go.

sewing bits + pieces

I also reorganized some of my other craft shelves and now (with a few more Orla pieces from Target) I like it all so much more! Much easier to find what I’m looking for and easier on the eyes, too.

craft room shelves

Now, I’m waiting out Pearl’s next naptime so I can get back to that tantalizing sewing project…

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