Maker Faire, WebVisions… Powell’s! June 1, 2011

It’s been all magnets, all the time lately! I’m really excited that this Sunday (6/5), I’m doing a World of Geekcraft book signing and craft project event with my fantastic Oregon book contributors at Powell’s downtown – would love to see you there if you can make it.

me at Powell's

I was totally amazed that they listed me on the marquee – huge thank-you to Powell’s for the kind support for a local book. The event is at 4:00 in the Pearl Room upstairs, and everyone who comes by can make a POW! ZAP! Magnet, or take home all the stuff to make one later! I’m also bringing lots of book projects, so you can try out the LOST Tin-Can Telephones or hang out with a Tribble.

POW! ZAP! Magnets at CRAFT:!

Here are some of the super-personalized comics magnets people made at my last few WOGC events… first, at Maker Faire,

Everyone making comics magnets


and then last week at WebVisions!


POW! Magnets people made at WebVisions!

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to get their book signed or hang out and craft!

Chronicle Books

ps: I got to visit the mothership, Chronicle Books, while I was in San Francisco too. Thanks for the awesome display of World of Geekcraft and Vintage Craft Workshop right when you walk in – that was a great surprise!

World of Geekcraft <3s Vintage Craft Workshop

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